
Friday, September 5, 2014

Edgy in Moto

Moto Jacket & Top: Kohl's {similar here} /  Jeans: Forever 21 / Flats: Zara / Handbag: {c/o} Melie Bianco / Cuff: Mandee
I don't know why I always look angry in some of my pictures, I'm going for fierce.  FYI! 
Ok hold on, I take that back.  There are times where this is not my fierce face, more like don't kill the hubby face.  LOL!  Taking pics is such an adventure, but I couldn't do it without my lover boy.  Thank you for being so supportive of all my craziness!  In the famous words of J-lo, "I LUH YA PAPI!" 

Happy FRIDAY!!!  NYFW is in full swing!  I just love seeing all the new trends for Spring.  Looks like pastels are going to be huge.  BCBG had gorgeous long flowy pastel dresses.  Fabulous!  It sucks that I can't attend fashion week because of work, but I will be in NYC over the weekend and on Monday for a few events.  Hoping I run into some of you! 
The moto jacket is another easy piece to help you transition from summer to fall. 
 You can layer this over your girlier pieces to add an edgy feel.  I just love the color and it pretty much makes any simple outfit that much better.  Surprised I even had time to take these pics, It was seconds from down pouring.  Rain, rain go away!  Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
xo xo


  1. Love it all! This yellow is AMAZING on you!


  2. Gorgeous! Love this entire look, and Melissa you should rock your curls more often. Love that hair!
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