
Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet Anniversary

Happy 1st Anniversary
"Melissa's Sweet Style"

Happy Monday Sweets! 

My blog was a year old on Friday!  Woohoo!  I can't believe it has been a year since I wrote my very first post.  How time flies!  It seems like yesterday I was celebrating my first follower!  Now I'm at almost 500!!!!  A blog wouldn't be anything without its readers, so I'd like to say THANK YOU for taking the time to read my sweet little blog!

I get so much inspiration (not only in fashion) when I visit my favorite blogs, so today's post is obviously dedicated to INSPIRATION! 

While visiting one of my favorite bloggers (I have a few) Julia from Gal Meets Glam had a post with her essentials for visiting San Francisco.  Of course one of those essentials was.........

The Crossbody bag

Not your grannies crossbody!  If you think crossbody bags aren't that fashionable, think again!  They come in sooo many different styles and colors! 

Blazer: Mandee
Jeans: Levi's
Sneaks: Gift
Crossbody bag: Michael Kors

I have a few crossbody bags and they are perfect for travel and now with so many fun ones to choose, you can wear them with just about anything!

I'm not a big fan of my outfit or hair today, but I wanted to post, so I hope you enjoy and
thank you, thank you, thank you
for visiting! 

xo xo


  1. Congrats girl! that's great! I can't imagine how exciting it's going to be when my blog reaches 1 year old since I just basically started. I'm really taking it as a hobby and for the fun of it, but who knows if it turns into something greater.

    Cute bag! You just reminded me how long I have without wearing a crossbody bag, ever since I graduated college last year I think lol

    xox, cheri

  2. Congrats for this year, I've been blogging for less than six months and already know how hard it could be sometimes.

    Trendy Bow

  3. Happy Blogiversary!!


  4. Happy blog anniversary!! So exciting for you!

  5. Happy blogiversary!! i love your bag!


  6. Happy Blogiversary!! & I have learned to love cross body bags. I actually have 2 that use to be my grandmas back in the day! haha so I found the granny cross body bag pretty funny :)

  7. Happy blog birthday!! I love crossbody bags...they make shopping so much easier.

    xo erica

  8. Happy 1 year blogging anniversary my friend! Wishing you and your blog much success in the coming years! P.S. I love a good cross body bag and you styled it perfectly!

  9. Wow, congrats, dear! Happy blogging!
    kisses and hugs!


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